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I started to dabble in small graphic-related projects as a teenager despite being relatively clueless and uninterested about art in and of itself (or so I thought). However, I'd been very technologically adept since a very early age, and something about design software fascinated me. Meanwhile, without being fully cognizant of it, I already tended to notice all kinds of design minutiae most people miss. In high school, I had my first actual design stint as layout editor for the school newspaper. Had I known what “this” actually was at the time, I would have enrolled in art school. Instead, I narrowly viewed it through the lens of journalism, which I chose as my major at Boston University before deciding that world was not for me. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in History, I wandered through the desert for a few years working as a departmental administrator at a prestigious business school. My experience there led me to Emerson College, where I earned a Master of Arts in Communication Management with an emphasis on organizational identity. The state of the economy post- Great Recession combined with a desire to not waste my degree led me to focus on a specific tactical area of the field. Thus my interest in design, which had quietly remained constant over these years, was rekindled. Given my existing credentials, I chose New England School of Art and Design at Suffolk University to pursue a Certificate in Graphic Design. My path to becoming a designer could ultimately have been less circuitous, but it is one I'm glad to have taken because I know I ended up where I belong.

My strongest stylistic influences can be grouped as “vintage”, broadly covering the Modern through early Contemporary periods. Movements include, but are certainly not limited to, Art Nouveau, De Stijl, Art Deco, the Bauhaus, Swiss Style, and Pop Art. As a designer, I seek to evoke these influences while interpreting them through the lens of the current era and my own experience. I have long been most interested in what could be categorized as commercial art: advertising, posters, product labels/packaging, business documents, and other artifacts of everyday life. This type of art speaks volumes to me by providing a window into when they were created. Typography and geometric forms fascinate me on their own. Separately, the process of digitally replicating the imperfections inherent in analog methods captivates me. I have a thirst for knowledge and also enjoy employing my skills to distill information visually.


When I'm not designing things, I'm a foodie, techie, cocktail nerd, general nerd, coffee obsessive, music lover, film buff, political observer, sports fan, and aspiring globetrotter. Lastly, I have a talent for writing even though it usually frustrates me, and am currently teaching myself how to be a decent photographer.

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